Solutions by specialty

Pediatric ICU


ReCARE® was specifically developed by Visuri to provide whole-body neuromuscular support for patients bedridden in hospital beds, especially in intensive care unit beds.

The equipment is capable of automatically evoking vigorous muscle contractions safely in this type of environment and need.

ANVISA Registration for use in ICU - 80832470005

How does ReCARE® contribute to the recovery of critical patients?

With ReCARE®, it is possible to prevent and treat ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW) and prevent neurofunctional sequelae caused by long periods of hospitalization.

Through Advanced Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES), ReCARE® promotes:

  • Strengthening of locomotor muscles
  • Strengthening of respiratory and diaphragmatic muscles
  • Prevention and recovery of muscle atrophy
  • Improvement of peripheral circulation
  • Reduction of pressure ulcer incidence
  • Analgesia


Scientifically proven results:

3,97 days
Decrease in ICU length
of stay
1,3 days
Reduction in pulmonary ventilation time
3,41 days
Acceleration of hospital discharge process
Reduction in the ICU readmission rate
Source: Liu M, et al. Int J Nurs Sci. 2020;7(2):228-37

Transportable version of ReCARE®: specially adapted for ICU

Articulated Arm

To facilitate the positioning of the electrodes throughout the patient's body, minimizing the contact of the cables with the skin, the ReCARE® System has an articulated arm that takes the electrostimulation channels closer to the sites to be treated.

Transport Trolley

The ReCARE® system is integrated with a set of trolleys (transport cart) with a basket to to carry accessories and casters with brakes, which allow the use and mobilization of the entire system between beds in an easy, agile and safe manner.

Advantages for the hospital

  • Optimization of hospitalization flow and faster bed availability;
  • Reduction in hospitalization cost per patient;
  • Optimization of the physiotherapy team's service flow, increased productivity and delivery of results;
  • Patients with greater mobility, functionality and quality of life upon hospital discharge;
  • Innovative technology as a differential in service delivery.

Explore scientific evidences

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