
Dinner with Science, Technology, and Innovation

  • quinta, 11 de maio de 2023
  • Blog

AGIS Medical, the exclusive distributor of VISURI in Minas Gerais, Brazil, hosted a launch dinner for the partnership with hospital managers in the region.

Approximately 15 leading physiotherapy managers from hospitals such as Hospital Vila da Serra, Hospital São Lucas, Hospital do Ipsemg, Hospital Madre Teresa, Hospital Luxemburgo, Hospital Regional de Betim, Hospital Vera Cruz, Hospital Arnaldo Gavazza, Complexo Hospitalar de Barbarcena, Hospital Paulo de Tarso, Hospital Semper, Hospital Júlia Kubtischeck, among others, were gathered.

The event was a success and featured important lectures by Dr. Henrique Martins, Dr. Leonardo Simões, and Dr. Paulo Eugênio Silva on EENM in the ICU, with the central theme "ReCARE: The Revolution of ICUs in the World Has Already Begun!"

We extend our gratitude to AGIS Medical for the partnership and the magnificent event, to Dr. Leonardo Simões for his support in organizing, and also to the managers for their presence and contribution to this revolution.